Reedham Permissive Path

Reedham Permissive Path

The Permissive Path has now reopened.  The Parish Council would like to thank the following people and organisations for their hard work, determination and donations which have all contributed to this happening:

Chris Mutten

Mike Fiske

Lewis Treloar, Waterways and Recreation Officer at the Broads Authority

Brian Iles, Acle Ward County Councillor for Norfolk County Council

Grant Nurden, Marshes Ward District Councillor for Broadland District Council

Broadland District Council

Mike Horwitz

Nick Hancox of Nicholas Hancox Solicitors

Love The Broads

Local businesses

Pat and Norman Bagshaw

Volunteers and fundraisers

Reedham Building Company

and, last, but by no means least, the late Chris Ward who spent a great deal of time and energy driving the project forward to ensure its successful conclusion.

The path is a great asset to the village of Reedham and we hope it will be enjoyed for many years to come.

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